• Pond Liner

  • Biofloc Tank

  • Fumigation Cover

  • Tarpaulin

OUR Expertise

Pond Linermore_vert
Pond Liner or Geomembraneclose

A Geomembrane may sound like a medical experiment gone wrong, but its uses and applications are both varied and fascinating. Geomembranes are synthetic membrane liners or barriers used to control fluid migration by acting as a layer between the fluid and the ground in any man/woman-made project or system.


Tarpaulins are used in many ways to protect persons and things from wind, rain, and sunlight, these comes in various material and thickness we at Adurya cater the most suitable ISI marked UV treated Tarpaulin, when treated against ultraviolet light, these tarpaulins can last for years exposed to the elements, but non-UV treated material will quickly become brittle and lose strength and water resistance if exposed to sunlight. All these are available in custom sizes as well.

Biofloc Pondmore_vert
Biofloc Pondclose

• These Ponds run on the same technology used in Biofloc tanks, Biofloc Technology (BFT)

• High Production per unit area

• The tightly HDPE-lined ponds insulate the animals from diseases.

• the capital investment is out-weighed by the benefits of the system. “There is no dry-out season, and the ponds are crop-ready anytime. The HDPE linings are intact for five years.

Biofloc Tankmore_vert
Biofloc Tankclose

These Tank are used for an alternative fish farming system, called Biofloc technology (BFT) which is considered as new blue revolution because of the minimum or zero-water exchange. since nutrients can be continuously recycled and reused in the culture medium. Resulting to reduced feeding cost with low usage of water.